Troop 44 Activities

Summer Camp

Camp Mattatuck was established in 1939. The camp sits on 500 acres of land in Plymouth CT. Troop 44 goes every summer as a group (usually the last week in July). The troop camps together in tents provided by the camp. Kids pick activities for the week they would like to do including merit badges. Some of the popular activities kids look forward to are: Free swim, the blob (pictured above), turbo shoot (waterslide). there is also boating, mountain biking, gun range and archery to name just a few. The is a parent’s night where kids can do skits and there is a campfire.

Camp Mattatuck Website

BSA Medical Form


Meetings are held every Tuesday at Haddam Congregational Church, 905 Saybrook road Haddam Connecticut. Meeting start at 6:30pm and end at 8:00pm. If there is no school there is no scouts.

Camp Gus

This is the entrance to Camp Gus. Camp Gus is a 25 acre plot of land donated by the Gustafson family for the sole use of troop 44. Troop 44 holds monthly campouts throughout the year. They are usually Saturday 10am- Sunday 10am. During these campouts we have both organized and individual activities. Scouts walk in with all their camp gear and cook their own meals. Sunday mornings leaders cook breakfast for the scouts while they are packing up. It is a good chance to hang out with friends and enjoy the outdoors.

Leaf Cleanups

We hold leaf cleanups at different locations in Haddam throughout the fall months to help our community.

Court Of Honor

The court of honor is when we recognize scouts, with a ceremony, who have earned rank advancements or merit badges throughout the past year.

Can & Bottle Drive

We hold three can and bottle drives every year. They are the first Saturday from 9:00-2:00 after the following holidays: New Years Eve, Memorial Day, & Labor Day. This fundraiser supports all or our troop activities throughout the year, such as, Spring Trips, Monthly Campouts, Insurance, and Camp Gus improvements / activities. Thank you for your support.

For Dates Click Here